Just wanted to let you in on some thoughts we've been chewing over for our small groups through the next few months, to go alongside our "One Verse Wonders" series. We think it would be really helpful for everyone in the church to work through a Bible overview -- to make sure we're fitting all the pieces of the vast jigsaw of Scripture into place. Vaughan Roberts has produced a fantastic video series resource based on his excellent book 'God's Big Picture'.  

The course traces the story of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation to see how it all fits together, telling of God's wonderful plan to save the world through Jesus Christ. Each of the 9 units consists of a 10-12 minute video followed by a brief Bible study. There's no pre-reading or homework between sessions!

To learn more check out the video below, and also follow the links below to download the Bible study worksheets so you can print them out and follow along. Your group leader will be letting you know when you'll starting the course!

God's Big Picture Video Outline Notes

God's Big Picture Bible Study Questions